Thursday, August 12, 2010

Post No. 5

So Check Out my Very First Sale....

I have been working on this purse off and on for a while now and I finally finished it. I sent this picture to a few of my girlfriends and Susie (bless her heart) was kind enough to buy it! I am super exicted that I sold my first purse. A guy she works with saw it and emailed me and he wants one for his wife! How cool is that? Pretty damn cool ~ at least to me anyways. All I want to do is go buy some more fabric and start sewing but we have a busy night ahead of us. Lorali has ballet from 6:00 to 7:00 and then a basketball game at 7:30. Poor baby is going to be pooped. Maybe she will go right to bed when we get home......a girl can dream can't she?

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